Skincare is a daily requirement, irrespective of gender. The polluted environment is turning secretly more devastating each day. Therefore improvising lifestyle by changing skincare habits is genuinely becoming a must. Besides cleansing and moisturizing, scrubbing and exfoliating the skin is also a priority which one must practice twice to thrice a week. There are both Chemical Exfoliators and Natural Face Exfoliators which can help you improve your skin elasticity, texture, and overall health. Let us dig more into exfoliation for now.
What Do You Understand By Exfoliation?
The process of deep cleaning the facial pores with a chemical or natural face exfoliator is either called scrubbing or exfoliating. It is a genuine healthy practice that helps you transform the well-being of your skin and its traits effectively. Practicing the same is recommended, however, not on a daily basis, since, with daily exfoliation, the skin barrier tends to damage severely, which eventually breaks one out.
Chemical scrubs or exfoliators are hype now. However, it might not suit every skin type. Therefore a patch test is highly suggested.
As for natural face exfoliators, there are several DIYs that one should try. In fact, if you know what suits your skin type, then preparing the blend is just a fingertip away.
But why is it so necessary for your skin? Also, know about the best treatments mentioned in Ayurveda on Skin Care.
What Are The Benefits Of Exfoliation?
- Great for oily skin people. People with oily, greasy, sensitive skin normally end up getting clogged pores. So, exfoliation generously helps to unclog the pores, eliminating the rugged skin texture, which might appear unappealing. Additionally, clogged pores can result in acne and pimple.
- Proper exfoliation can help you achieve a smooth, clean face that is soft and supple as well.
- A nice exfoliating session can help you enjoy a good massage for your facial nerves that intensifies blood circulation, adding a radiant glow to the skin.
- Exfoliation is the simple skincare step after face cleansing that removes the dead skin build-up, dirt, and gunk from the facial pores; the follow-up steps, such as toning and moisturizing, become more nourishing and proficient after exfoliating.
What Do You Need To Prepare Your Own DIY Natural Face Exfoliators?
For preparing your own natural face scrub, you just require-
- Any variant of carrier oil such as coconut oil, almond oil, and jojoba oil.
- A small bowl and a spoon to prepare the blend.
- You can also add any choice of essential oils to the mix.
8 Natural Face Exfoliators That You Can Make At Home
Here are some DIY natural face exfoliators which can be quickly made at home and applied twice or thrice a week to get glowing, smooth, healthy, even-toned skin right now.
- Banana Oat Meal Scrub(For Oily Skin)
You would need-
- Take one ripe banana.
- Two tablespoons of uncooked rolled oats
- One tablespoon of greek yogurt(Plain)
Directions to prepare
- Put the chopped banana and the greek yogurt and blend the items until you get a smooth mix.
- On the other hand, grind the oats into a coffee blender or food processor until it gives a fine feel to the texture.
- Coffee Scrub(For Oily Skin)
You Would Need-
- 2 Tablespoons of both Avocado and Coconut oil
- One cup of brown sugar
- One cup of ground coffee beans(fine)
Directions To Prepare-
- Blend all the mentioned ingredients in a small bowl with a spoon
- Rose Natural Face Exfoliators(For All Skin Types)
You Would Need-
- Around ten rose petals
- One cup of sugar
- Two tablespoons of honey
- Around 8-10 drops of rose oil
- Add one teaspoon of water
Direction to prepare
- In a mixer grinder, add the petals and water to prepare a smooth paste from the same.
- Then add all the ingredients together in a small bowl.
- Honey And Oats Face Exfoliators(For Oily And Combination Skin)
You would need-
- One-fourth cup of rolled oats
- Two tablespoons of jojoba oil and honey
Directions to prepare
- Make the oats into fine powder
- Heat up the honey to ease your mixing procedure
- Now blend all the ingredients in a small bowl
- Oatmeal And Yogurt Natural Face Exfoliators (For Combination Skin)
You would need-
- One tablespoon of coconut oil and plain yogurt
- Two tablespoons of uncooked rolled oats
Directions to prepare-
- Make a fine powder of the oats
- Add the ingredients and prepare a smooth mix
- Honey And Apple Scrub(Oily And Acne Prone Skin)
You would need-
- Half teaspoon of jojoba oil and raw honey
- One ripe peeled, and cored apple
Directions to prepare
- Make a smooth puree of the apple(but not runny)
- Place all the ingredients in a small bowl and prepare the blend
- Brown Sugar Natural Face Exfoliators( Dry And Acne Prone Skin Type)
You would need-
- One teaspoon of Himalayan tea salt
- One-fourth cup of avocado oil
- Half cup of brown sugar
Directions to prepare-
- Mix all the ingredients together evenly in a small bowl
- Strawberry Scrub(For Acne Prone Skin)
You would need-
- Half cup of coconut oil and strawberries(mashed)
- One cup of sugar
Directions to prepare
- Place all the ingredients and prepare the blend
Steps To Follow While Applying These Natural Face Exfoliators
- While applying, make sure to massage the mixtures in round circular motions for at least 60 seconds.
- Make sure to use warm water while washing your face to get the best results.
- Store and save the rest of the preparation in an air-tight container for the next time.
However, go for a small patch test before actually preparing the entire lot, for you never know how your skin may react to the above-mentioned natural face scrubs.
What Else Can You Consider For A Healthy Glowy Skin?
If your face is very irritated and tends to react quite often, then you can also consider preparing your DIY scrub with-
- Cinnamon powder
- Rice powder
- Very finely powdered oatmeal
Will Vedelan Be Enough For Your Next Natural Face Exfoliation Session?
Absolutely, Vedelan stores the essentials that are pretty significant for designing your health game to some robust yet nice levels. Yes, it generously assists you in learning the magic of Ayurveda and natural items in your day-to-day life.
So, without any further delay, make sure to take a sneak peek at Vedalan today.
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