Welcome to Vede’lan
A store where we help you heal the body internally and externally. We have the best Skin care products.
In our clinical experience of the last 31 years in exclusively working on Diabetes noticed that in India people with diabetes and their families are ignoring the fearing facts that
- Diabetes runs in the families
- Once a Diabetic than ever a Diabetic, still there is no cure. Its complication is mostly irreversible.
- It is a very expensive lifestyle disorder.
Vede’lan would like to share the data of the International Diabetic Federation against the above mindset that more than 46.6 million are known diabetics globally and 7.76 million Indians are part of it. While some number of unknown or undiagnosed diabetics and many are in the pre-diabetic stage. We are Great in diabetic skin care.
A good thing with diabetes is that most of its types other than Type-1 diabetes, MRDM, MODM, MODY are preventable with lifestyle modification and reducing the risk factors responsible for diabetes onset. So as its complications these can be retarded and prevented with medicine which acts on the internal system of the body to manage the adverse effects of environmental factors, lifestyle and faulty diet. The ancient Ayurvedic system laid more emphasis on prevention rather than cure and described strategies to manage lifestyle disorders, Prameha (Diabetes) is one of them and suggested many herbs, minerals and metallic preparations to prevent diabetes as well as to treat this metabolic disorder according to body type(Prakriti) of an individual.
On the same guidelines after screening more than 1200 formulations from the treasure of ancient Indian Ayurvedic system of Medicine. Our teams selected a few formulations with the concept of body type Kafaj, Pittaj and Vataj with body frame Obese, Average and Underweight (High, Normal, low BMI) from the wisdom of the Seer’s (Rishi’s) and picked these gems to restore health and prevent diabetes and its complications.
Along with the internal balancing of body physiology, we have also external body care formulation & Skin care Products to keep people healthy internally and externally.