We usually keep talking about the herbs or generic DIY ayurvedic remedies that you can try at home to keep your skin and feet healthy. In this blog, we will specifically talk about the various diabetic ayurvedic products from the house of Vedelan that can help you heal and be healthy.
So, let’s get started!
The Top 5 Facial Care Diabetic Ayurvedic Products by Vedelan
Mosituriser Body Care
It is a balanced formula for all skin types and is suited for all-season use. It helps maintain the texture and suppleness of diabetic skin, which is prone to excessive dryness. The main ingredients of Vedelan’s Moisturiser Body Care cream are Melia Azedarach, Pandus odoratissimus, Nelumvium speciosum, Rubia cordifolia, Symplocos racemosa, Callicarpa Macrophylla, Pterocarpus santalinus, Curcuma amada, Berberis aristata, Punica granatum, Lavandula stoechas, Rosemarinus officinale and vitamin E oil. It is free from parabens and other harmful chemicals and is organic and cruelty-free. The major benefits of the Moisturiser Body Care cream are
- Reduces Skin Problems
- Prevent Dryness
- Soothes Sensitive Skin
- Smoothen extra dry or rough spots on the skin
- Makes the skin radiant
Anti-blemish Face Wash
Vedelan’s Anti-blemish face wash removes dirt, oil, and pollutants that get stuck on the skin. This is specifically good for people who have to apply makeup daily. Furthermore, the sebaceous glands that thus get blocked can be cleaned perfectly. In addition, the anti-blemish face wash also helps reduce pigmentation and is good as a good anti-acne agent. The main ingredients of the face wash are Carica papaya, Cocus sativus, Curcuma longa, Meiaieucea leucadendron, Glycyrrihza glabra with a permissible base material. The major benefits of the anti-blemish face wash are:
- Makes The Skin Look Younger
- Exfoliates the skin and maintains the proper size of the skin pores.
- Removes the dead skin cells.
- Prevents Blemishes and Dark Spots.
- Prevent uneven Skin Tone.
- Control oil and deep cleanse
Night Face Cream
All of us love a good sleep. It’s extremely therapeutic and rejuvenates our bodies. In addition, our skin heals when sleeping. Thus, applying night cream on the face fastens the healing process. Vedelan’s Night face cream contains Carica papaya, Cocus sativus, Curcuma longa, Meiaieucea leucadendron, Glycyrrihza glabra with a permissible base material.
Anti-aging Cream
In our earlier blogs, we mentioned how regular aging creams aren’t suited for people with diabetes as they drain away the moisture. However, Vedelan’s Anti-agenin cream is created dedicatedly for people with diabetes. Also, it is absolutely natural and hence devoid of any kind of chemicals. It’s ingredients include Sphaeranthus indicus, Fumaria indica, Rubia cardifolia, Hemidesmus indicus, sida cardifolía, Asparagus racemosus, Berberis aristata, Nelumbium speciosum, Mesua ferra, Vetiveria zizianoides, Lavendula stoechas. It provides adequate skin moisture and promotes suppleness to prevent fine lines and wrinkles. Some of its major benefits are:
- Retarding the development of wrinkles
- Nourishing skin to remove dullness
- Strengthening face muscles (tightens)
- Stopping abnormal pigmentation.
- Removing blemishes and dark circles under eyes
- Reducing the development of fine lines and photo-aging
Day Face Cream
Vedelan’s Day face cream is curated specifically to fight the toxic chemicals, bacteria, viruses, and pollutants that can cause damage to the skin. It is completely natural and free from any chemicals.
- It forms a protective barrier against the harsh elements in the atmosphere.
- Minimize the environmental cell damage due to pollution.
- Protects from the harmful effect of ultraviolet rays.
- Its non-greasy consistency banishes dullness.
- Keeps the face hydrated all day long and for all skin types.
So, friends, this was it from the house of Vedelan products. But, we will be adding more diabetic ayurvedic products to your portfolio soon. So, stay tuned!
Read More: Diabetes Rash: Causes, Appearance and Prevention
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