9 Effective Ayurvedic Skincare Tips For Glowing Skin

9 Effective Ayurvedic Skincare Tips For Glowing Skin

Skincare is an essential part of a healthy lifestyle. However, nothing can be more beneficial than indulging in an ayurvedic skincare routine for a daily/weekly pampering session. Eating healthy, drinking healthy, and sleeping for a total of 7-8 hours is sure beneficial for lovely glowing skin. But enjoying ayurvedic natural skin care is what impacts the practice on a positive note. So what practical ayurvedic skincare tips can you start including in your lifestyle today?

Which 9 Effective Ayurvedic Skincare Tips That You Should Start For A Glowing Skin?

1) Begin With Cleansing

Always begin your skincare routine with a clean face; you need to thoroughly take care of the dirt and grime hidden inside the facial pores. Using ayurvedic skincare items that include natural ingredient is excellent for the skin. Additionally, you can choose the listed items to see instant and practical results on the same day.

2) Tomatoes- 

Tomatoes help in nourishing the facial tissues with vitamins and minerals. Take a slice of cold tomato and rub the same all over the face. Let the residue rest for 5-7 minutes, and then clean off the face with warm water. You can use this choice of facial cleanser daily.

3) Potatoes-

Potatoes are:

  • A rich source of vitamin C and Iron.
  • Effectively treats blemishes and fine lines.
  • Cures dark spots.
  • Helps you with dull skin.

Extract juice from a medium-sized potato, and apply the liquid over the face along with your neck. Leave the solution over the face for 10-15 minutes, and wash it off once the residue dries up.

4) Honey-

Honey is packed with antioxidants that act proficiently as an anti-acne agent. Besides, this natural idea brightens the facial skin preventing stripping off the hydration level and natural oils. Just take half a teaspoon of raw honey, massage it all over your face, then clean your face with warm water. Ensure that you pat dry your face with a gentle towel.   

5) Apple Cider Vinger- 

Apple Cider Vinegar is a holistic item that takes care of your body, hair, and face. Mix ACV at a 1:2 ratio and apply the liquid as a cleanser. Ensure to use cold water to wash off the solution. 

6) Milk-

Milk is a lovely choice of cleanser. The lactic acid present in the liquid is a satisfying exfoliator that removes dead skin and unclogs the facial pores. Dip a cotton ball into milk, and apply the same by rubbing it gently all over your face in both clockwise and anti-clockwise motions. Rinse the solution with warm water.

7) Toning Is Your Next Step

Toning is a vital skincare step that many of you might consider skipping. However, if you are leaving out this skin care step till today, stop right now, and begin to implement the same from now on. Ayurvedic natural skin care includes cucumber, jasmine, rose water, and aloe vera as a toner. These items generously soothe the freshly washed face helping the pores to relax. Also, it prepares the skin for the next step, which is moisturizer.

8) Moisturizer Is What You Need Now

Irrespective of skin type, one must invest in a good moisturizer to religiously continue their ayurvedic skincare ritual. Make sure that you never do without a good choice of moisturizer. For a natural choice of moisturizer, you can consider turmeric(all skin types), honey(all skin types), yogurt(all skin types), sandalwood oil(all skin types), and chickpea flour(all skin types).

9) A Weekly Masking Session

Please don’t ignore the weekly masking session, for it helps you treat skin concerns from both outside and within. Additionally, with rigorous masking sessions, you end up nourishing the skin and its texture for the greater good.

  1. Milk cream with lemon(for all skin types; but you should replace milk cream with yogurt in case of oily skin type). 
  2. Besan with turmeric powders and curd(Great for all skin types, but you can replace curd with milk cream if you have dry skin).
  3. A banana mask with honey( Good for all skin types, but oily skin type people should avoid application of the same).
  4. Oatmeal with water and honey(for all skin types). 
  5. Aloe vera with honey and water(for all skin types).

Exfoliation is Crucial For Healthy Glowing Skin

Scrubbing off the accumulated dead facial skin is what you should not ignore. If you don’t take care of regular exfoliation sessions, chances are that you get dull-looking skin, which no one wants. Natural ingredients such as fennel powder, sandalwood, and green gram powder are some superb choices for exfoliators. 

These are gentle on the skin and very effective in scrubbing off dead skin tissues. Exfoliators are also great for pulling out clogged-up dirt and grime from the pore. Besides, these choices of natural scrubs do not strip off natural oils too, which you should take care of.  

Ayurvedic Skincare For Lips

The lips, and the skin under the eyes, are the most sensitive area of the face. Hence the adequate amount of supervision will only do you good. Lips are usually kept overseen, but just like facial skin, it too, needs proper cleansing, scrubbing, and moisturizing. Additionally, lips undergo sun exposure turning dark and pigmented over time. One can consider using mint oil blended with shea butter extracts(you can use beeswax as well) to apply on your lips. The combination treats and heals your lips extensively.

Ayurvedic Skincare To Treat Your Tanned Skin

If you go out every day, looking for a skincare product that helps you treat your tan skillfully is a must for a tropical country like India. Consider engaging in a good oil massage for our body and face. Having neem oil mixed with almond oil effectively calms sun-damaged skin, clearing bacteria causing pimples and acne. Using orange peel powder and orange peel for detaining your body is also very effective. See 9 effective ayurvedic skincare tips for glowing skin.

How About An Ayurvedic Facial Oil Massage In Your Ayurvedic Skincare

Nothing can beat the efficacy of an Ayurvedic facial oil massage session in your skincare practice. Of course, the choice of facial oil is significant. One cannot go with any facial oil. A dry-skin person cannot apply a facial oil suitable for oily-skin people. Sesame oil is satisfying for all doshas, while the professionals highly suggest using almond oil for people with Vata and Pitta doshas. 

Take a few drops of the facial oil and apply the same in a circular motion. Another superb choice of facial oil is Manjistha and Kumkumadi oil since these variants of facial oils are proven to treat inflammation and bacterial skin infections. Additionally, these facial oils are anti-androgenic as well.

Ayurvedic Skincare To Enhance Your Glowing Skin

Ayurvedic skin care supports ‘Varnya’ and ‘Raktaprasadana,’ which means skin lightening. The terms suggest tyrosinase inhibition, the biological process of controlling melanin production. In Ayurveda, Pitta is responsible for skin pigmentation. The herbs that reduce pitta are considered Varnya, which includes Manjistha and Madhuyashti.  This ritual helps in lightening the uneven skin tone and texture efficiently.

While Concluding

Skin care is important, and when it is natural it acts advantageous to the overall lifestyle a lot. Not only these ingredients are easy to stock up on, but you can also begin this ayurvedic skincare ritual today itself. It is advised to go for a patch test before application since, natural or chemical, every element tends to react differently to the skin and its enzymes. Use Vede’lan Ayurvedic Anti Ageing Cream Balanced Formula For All Skin Types.

So, without further delay, begin your ayurvedic skincare routine today!!

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