Does Ayurveda medicine help diabetes patients? Why?

Does Ayurveda medicine help diabetes patients? Why?

Diabetes and Ayurveda medicine has become a common buzzword among people if it is right to say so. India is popularly known as the diabetic capital of the world. According to the data, the number of individuals with diabetes in India will ascend to 69.9 million from 40.9 million by 2025. Diabetes is a chronic condition that occurs when the body’s insulin supply is insufficient to keep cells functioning. The absence of insulin triggers an overabundance of glucose levels in the blood. What’s more, this is known as glycosuria and hyperglycemia. This implies that your body has an excessive amount of glucose, and it can impede the normal elements of your sensory system, heart, eyes, veins, and kidneys.

Diabetes and Ayurveda have long been associated with each other. There is no permanent cure for diabetes, but Ayurveda can help manage it efficiently and effectively. Ayurveda can help deal with diabetes and provide a long-lasting and potent result.

Diabetes and Ayurveda: understanding the perspective

As indicated by Ayurveda medicine, diabetes is known as Madhumeha or Prameha. Diabetes is an infection of profuse urination. There are numerous such problems that Ayurveda portrays regarding the three Doshas – – Vata, Pitta, and Kapha. The imbalance of each Dosha brings about medical issues connected to the irregularity. The Kapha Dosha imbalance is a reason for diabetes. Being a Kapha predominant individual, be that as it may, doesn’t naturally infer diabetes.

If a healthy lifestyle doesn’t offset Kapha’s dominance, diabetes can develop. The problem is that a lack of pancreatic capability causes Kapha to build up in the stomach. This causes turbidity or an ongoing need to pee. Contrary to popular belief, the Vata is responsible for Diabetes Mellitus.

In this situation, Vata aggregates in the digestive organ and goes to the pancreas, seriously hampering its working. In some cases, even Pitta can cause diabetes. Whenever this occurs, the Pitta is amassed in the small digestive system before moving to the liver and may harm the pancreas. On account of Pitta, Agni or fire is high, and henceforth a burnout of the pancreas is a possibility.

Ayurvedic texts about Ayurvedic treatment for diabetes additionally depict ‘Dhatupaka Janya Vikruti.’ This is the evil impact of high sugar levels on other real issues. The texts likewise depict an inclination to acquire the infection. Ayurveda characterizes Ojas as the actual embodiment of life. When this is lost, the strength of the multitude of regular physical processes is lost. In diabetes, Ojas is lost through the pee, and henceforth diabetes is once in a while called Ojomeha or the deficiency of Ojas through the urine.

Does Ayurveda medicine help in curing diabetes?

Now the question arises whether Ayurveda is potent in treating diabetes or not. Well, it can indeed help provide relief from the symptoms and help manage them efficiently. However, with medical science making strides each day, it is skeptical for people to think that Ayurveda can be of much help.

Ayurveda medicine approaches the problem holistically and goes to the root cause, and provides long-term results by controlling the problem. Another reason individuals would turn to Ayurveda is insulin resistance.

Ayurveda proposes a few easy home cures that anybody can get ready; first, Ayurveda expresses that to hold your diabetes under control, you should restrict your intake of sugar and carbohydrates.

The following are a couple of solutions that Ayurveda gives to keep up with your glucose:

Eating on time is similarly just about as significant as eating reasonably. Ayurveda expresses that legitimate assimilation and digestion happen when the Agni or stomach-related fire is at its ideal. A large portion of the spices and Ayurvedic prescriptions support the degree of Agni in the body. However, the Agni level in an individual is likewise reliant upon the Sun. Ayurvedic texts express that Agni is most elevated when the Sun is at its top overhead around the early afternoon.

  • For this reason, it is prompted that the heaviest and greatest supper be taken in the late morning. Eating a lot in the evening is immense stress on the digestive system; that can’t digest and use the food right now. Thus, to keep your absorption at its ideal, include fiber-rich foods like vegetables and fruits. 
  • Yoga helps with the management of diabetes. For the most part, this is since Yoga affects the variables that add to diabetes. Stress and heftiness are two central points that add to the improvement of diabetes. Customary yoga practice joined with meditation mitigates pressure and eases back the body’s fat production.
  • Ayurveda indicates likewise the utilization of certain spices that might help with diabetes treatment. Therefore, various researchers were attracted to herbal preparations to treat metabolic disorders. The following are a couple of ayurvedic herbs used to mitigate the side effects of diabetes.
  • Turmeric: Turmeric powder is an anti-allergic, anti-cancer, calming, and one of the most grounded normal enemies of diabetic specialists. It purifies the blood, goes about as a channel opener, helps decrease insulin obstruction, and consequently works with glucose passage into the cells. Turmeric is viable when used with aloe vera.
  • Saptrangi: This is a phenomenal diabetes treatment. It is a tree whose bark is proficient at directing glucose levels. However, it is generally concentrated in western herbal colleges and has been utilized in Ayurveda for quite a long time. The herb has been displayed to have anti-diabetic impacts.
  • Kerela juice does something amazing in diminishing and overseeing complications of diabetes. 30 ml of Karela juice first thing on an empty stomach is suggested for better execution. It works best when taken with Amla juice.
  • Tulsi: individuals of India worship this plant for its exceptional therapeutic properties. Normal utilization of tulsi leaves effectively directs glucose levels. Also, it is helpful for a variety of cancers, respiratory and bacterial diseases, sore throats, coughs, and colds.
  • Panchakarma is perhaps the most thorough Ayurvedic treatment to manage different health concerns and upgrade general prosperity. It’s a treatment interaction that targets detoxifying the body through five smaller processes. The whole Panchakarma treatment requires seven to fifteen days, contingent upon the cycles selected by the Ayurvedic specialist.


In the present chaotic way of life, it’s not difficult to go overboard with unhealthy habits. The distressing routine can stack up and prompt clinical injuries like hypertension, heart failure, emotional binge eating (which drives heftiness), and elevated cholesterol. This many signs meet up and lead to diabetes, yet assuming you take command over your everyday routine and turn to healthy lifestyle choices, you can forestall the onset of this disease.

The key is to follow an all-encompassing and regular method for controlling sugar, and this should be possible by taking on Ayurvedic techniques and prescriptions. 

Read more: Diabetic Foot Ulcers: Prevention, Diagnosis, and Classification

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