11 Ayurvedic home remedies to control your blood sugar levels

11 Ayurvedic home remedies to control your blood sugar levels

Description: This blog talks about ayurvedic home remedies and ayurvedic herbs to lower blood sugar levels. 

Adapting to diabetes is difficult. Effective diabetes management requires consciousness of conditions that influence your glucose level and solutions that can assist with overseeing them. Details from the latest National Diabetes and Diabetic Retinopathy Survey report feature how, generally, 11.8 percent of Indians experience the ill effects of diabetic circumstances and the standard test they need to manage consistently. Luckily, the best approach to effective management lies with Ayurveda (meaning life information) and its regular meds and solutions. Ayurveda also prescribes herbs to lower blood sugar levels and has some ayurvedic home remedies to control your blood sugar levels. 

11 ayurvedic home remedies to control blood sugar levels

Ayurveda specialists suggest a way of life changes and modifications in dietary propensities to control this problem and keep it from spiraling wild. Basic regular cures recommended to control diabetes are:

  • To bring down glucose levels, Ayurveda specialists suggest setting up a blend of one part of Guduchi, Shardunika, and Kutki and two parts of Punarnava. Take half a teaspoon of the mixture twice each day with warm water.
  • As diabetes prompts exasperated Kapha, you want to ensure that your eating routine comprises Kapha pacifying food varieties that incorporate new fresh fruits, vegetables, and bitter herbs. You should try not to eat processed food sources, excess sugar, carbs, and full-fat dairy items.
  • Taking turmeric every day before suppers can treat and forestall diabetes. Likewise, one can take half a teaspoon of turmeric alongside the same amount of aloe vera and have the blend two times before lunch and dinner. Turmeric contains the active part of curcumin that brings down blood glucose levels and other difficulties related to diabetes.  
  • Ginger tea is a usual method for controlling glucose levels while balancing out excessive Kapha in the body.
  • The adequacy of bitter gourd in preventing and treating diabetes is known among numerous Indian families. Take no less than one teaspoon of bitter gourd juice in the first part of the day for decreased sugar levels in the body.
  • Drink water prepared with bael leaves, basil leaves, and neem leaves on an unfilled stomach in the first part of the day to bring down the glucose level.
  • Blend and toil seeds of fenugreek (methi dana), turmeric (Haldi), and white pepper to a fine powder. Take a spoonful of this powder with a glass of milk two times consistently.
  • Drinking water stored in a copper vessel overnight helps adjust all three Doshas.
  • Ayurveda also suggests ayurvedic herbs to lower blood sugar levels. Some of the ayurvedic herbs include:
  • Also called ‘Karela’ in India, this unpleasant tasting organic product is a brilliant choice for diabetic patients inferable from its intrinsic capacity to hinder glucose ingestion. This organic product contains three active substances, including charanti, vicine, and an insulin-like compound known as polypeptide-p, that either perform or bring down normal blood glucose levels. People with diabetes are, for the most part, encouraged to begin their day with a glass of Karela juice that assists with managing glucose levels in the body.
  •  Fenugreek seeds, likewise called ‘methi dana,’ have medicinal properties that decrease glucose levels generally, consequently lessening the risk of experiencing diabetes. The seeds contain filaments and mixtures that assist in dialing back the assimilation interaction and the retention of sugar and carbs in the body. Research has additionally shown that fenugreek seeds soaked in warm water taken every day might be a definitive panacea to treat type 2 diabetes.  
  • Ordinarily called the Indian gooseberry, Amalaki, due to its therapeutic properties, is considered one of the most regular meds in Ayurveda. Well-being specialists since old times have educated the consideration regarding this natural product in our ordinary eating routine because of its antioxidant properties. Also, the fruit’s Vitamin C content empowers insulin obstruction and balances the glucose level. This makes it very viable in the treatment and management of diabetes.
  • The beneficial impacts of adding a pinch of Triphala powder to one’s customary eating routine have for quite some time been examined. Different investigations have uncovered how consuming five grams of the organic product’s powder for over a month decreases glucose levels. Triphala is an ayurvedic blend made of three intense herbs that incorporate Haritaki, Amalaki, and Bibhitaki. The mix of the three reinforces your invulnerable framework, helps digestion, and keeps a healthy heart and stable respiratory functions. The utilization of Triphala has likewise been referenced in the old texts of Sushrut Samhita as one of the most amazing Ayurvedic meds for diabetes and a marvel combination to develop digestion further and keep up with good skin and hair.
  • Bail fruit and its restorative impacts are obscure to a large number. When crushed, extracts of the leaves of this specific organic product are an effective solution for the control and treatment of diabetes. The juice separated from the leaves is generally polished off with dark pepper. Moreover, research has demonstrated the adequacy of this fruit in treating diabetes. Health specialists encourage their patients to have a glass of bael fruit squeezed each day as the purgatives in it helps to control the glucose in the body.
  • Yoga helps with the management of diabetes. This is generally because Yoga has a calming effect that works well for diabetes. Stress and weight are two main considerations that add to the improvement of diabetes. Customary yoga practice combined with meditation eases strain and eases the body’s fat production. Pranayam, surya namaskar, balasana, vajrasana, and dhanurasana are a couple of valuable yoga postures.
  • The patient experiencing diabetes mellitus ought to try not to carry on with a stationary way of life or sleep after lunch. Besides, diabetic patients should incline toward eating newly harvested grains and stay away from all food things containing sugar. Refrain from eating fish. Smoking and drinking habits exasperate the side effects of the infection. 

Treating diabetes with Ayurveda

Treating diabetes involves following an all-encompassing and normal way of life that controls blood glucose levels. In this manner, preventing and treating diabetes. Embracing Ayurveda’s comprehensive way of life approach is the initial step to battling the inescapability of diabetes and related medical conditions. 

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